Our Bodies | Our Choices is the community campaign to decriminalise abortion in NSW

It’s time to decriminalise abortion in NSW

Right now in NSW abortion is still in the Crimes Act.

Safe and legal access to abortion is a human right. The law in NSW means that access to abortion is limited in many parts of the state, and costs can be prohibitive.

Our Bodies Our Choices are a community campaign committed to defending reproductive rights. Join our campaign to decriminalise abortion in NSW.

Why now?

In the last months we have seen people mobilise all over the world to defend women’s right to abortion healthcare. From #hometovote in Ireland to Queensland Parliament voting in October 2018 to decriminalise, together we can win.

NSW is the only remaining state in Australia where abortion remains in the criminal code unamended.

We know that Australians overwhelmingly support the right to choose. We need to show our politicians that NSW will not stand for abortion remaining a crime.